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plasticsPlastic Selection
an introduction to the field of plastics, describing the various families and how their material properties make them suited for different uses

furniture fairFurniture Fair
one page primer to showing products at a design fair. A checklist to the various tasks that need to be addressed before the fair starts

ball of confusionBall of Confusion
how to avoid disaster in the confusing world of surfacing
why surfacingWhy Surfacing?
when to use surfaces rather than solids for modeling
quadsQuad Surfaces
a description of how all CAD surfaces can be considered 4-sided quad surfaces
external linksExternal Links
some of our favourite links in the field of industrial design and product development
ergonomicsErgonomics for Design
suggestions for mice, keyboards, etc. for heavy computer users
leavesGreen PD Offer
an offer of genuine discounts for "green" product development
golden rulesGolden Rules for Pro/E
strategic and tactical rules to follow to create quality models in Pro/Engineer
various bits and pieces that may or may not be slightly witty.
Feature Names
Explanation of Pro/E feature names for users coming from other software.

Class "A" Surfacing
what's the big deal about class "A" surfaces? Are they really better quality?

CAD Glossary
A short and sweet description of various CAD surfacing jargon.
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